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"I love this doctrine, for I know that prayer
brings the seeker into closer proximity with divine Love,
and thus he finds what he seeks,
the power of God to heal and to save."

- Mary Baker Eddy

The practice of Christian Science healing blends the tenderness of Christly compassion with the clarity of scientific reasoning.

Christian Science treatment is based on the spiritual fact that God is All-in-all...Christ's gospel message of "the kingdom of God is within you." It is founded on ideas that were exemplified in Jesus' life, teachings, and works, and are articulated in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy*. This simple, yet profound, prayer-based treatment is as practical and Love-inspired today as it was over two thousand years ago.

As a Christian Science practitioner, Kate helps others rediscover the inherent oneness we each share with our divine Source. This oneness is the coincidence of divinity with humanity. It is the Love that reigns within each of us...within our own hearts. Finding this space of inner stillness and grace satisfies our most earnest longings and leads to healing. This healing may include a clearer sense of life purpose, life-transforming forgiveness, guidance in decision-making, improved physical health, financial and emotional wellness, harmony in relationships, and most importantly, a more meaningful sense of our relationship to God.

This journey of spiritual healing begins when we honor our questions, trust our true desires to His care, and surrender naturally to His purpose in our lives. In these moments of sacred listening, there are poems, and prayers, and promises...

Spiritual healing is available to everyone regardless of faith, religious affiliation, gender, race, socio-economics, or age. If you would like to consider spiritual healing, Kate would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact her anytime day or night by phone, written correspondence, text-messaging, SMS, Facebook, or in person, around the clock. Kate holds all practice-based communications in complete confidence.

To more fully explore spiritual healing through Christian Science, you can begin by reading, listening to, or purchasing Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Services & Fees

Upon completion of our work together, you will receive a statement by email that lists dates and services. However, each person's needs are individual, so the following schedule should be viewed as a guideline. No one is limited in his/her expression of gratitude.

Guidelines for Billing "Christian Science practitioners should make their charges for treatment equal to those of reputable physicians in their respective localities." (from The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy pg 237)

Suggested rates for the Midwest, USA:
Christian Science Treatment:
$35 per treatment** (includes full day of treatment, as needed)
Office/Phone/Hospital appointments or visits:
$100 /hour (phone visits under ten minutes are free with treatment)
$15/hour - travel time
First consultation: free of charge

Online payment
You can now use Paypal to submit payment.
Payment accepted via personal check or PayPal by clicking the "Pay Now" button to the right, or by sending a check or money order directly to:
Kate Robertson, CS
box 1190
buena vista co
*discoverer and founder of Christian Science, author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, founding publisher of The Christian Science Monitor, 19th century thought leader, human rights activist

**Reduced rates are available per The Manual of the Mother Church

Purchase Science and Health online

The music you're listening to is playing in a new
window and will play while you browse the website. Musicians are:

"Unfallen" © Michelle Armstrong. Recorded for this site.
"In His Eyes" © Mindy Jostyn. Used with permission.
"Forgive" © Sara Renner Used with permission
Phone: 719-395-0910
Cell: 314.324.2534 (also use for texting)
Toll-free: 800.410.0669
Mailing Address:
box 1190
buena vista co
Call or write for appointments
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